The Garda Vetting Form is a digital form that captures all the information a candidate needs to submit for their employer to run a Garda Vetting check. Miscellaneous: All applicants will be required to provide documents to validate their identity. Personal Details: Current address including Eircode/Postcode. Role Being Vetted for: Role being vetted for clearly stated for. Generic roles such as "volunteer" will not suffice. Declaration of Application: The applicant must confirm their understanding and acceptance of the two statements by signing the application form at Section 2 and ticking the box provided. Digital Signature: The applicant will also sign their form through digital signature.
This check is used for the employer to capture all the information they need to upload into Garda Vetting while also keeping it in the same place as all other background and referencing checks being carried out. This removes the issues of hard-to-read handwriting and misspelling while also removing the need for the candidate to print off or collect the form from a Garda Station before then having to scan, upload and send to their employer via email.